

per Mens Intellectual Property Consulting LLP
(per mens [lat.] = durch Gedanken [de.] / by thought [en.] / par pensée [fr.])

Legal seat

Rue Agasse 54
CH – 1208 Geneva
– Switzerland –

Contact data

Tel                 +41 (0)22 735 81 47
Fax                 +41 (0)22 735 81 48

Information on the reglementation of the profession

The professional titles “Patent Attorney”, “Patentanwalt”, “Conseil en brevets”, and “Consulente in brevetti” are legally protected in Switzerland. Legitimate carriers of this title shall be registered in a list at the IGE (Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property).
The title “European Patent Attorney” (“Zugelassener Vertreter vor dem Europäischen Patentamt”, “Europäischer Patentanwalt”, “Mandataire agréé auprès l’Office Européen des Brevets”) is awarded by the European Patent Office and is legally protected in all states of the EPC, that is currently in 38 European countries.
The relevant legal provisions on the profession for Swiss patent attorneys respectively for European patent attorneys are:

Swiss patent attorney law

Statutes and Rules on professional conduct of the VSP

Statutes and Rules on professional conduct of the FICPI

Code of Conduct and Regulation on Discipline of the epi (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office)

The competent supervisory authorities for Swiss patent attorneys respectively for European patent attorneys are:

IGE (Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property)
Postal address
Stauffacherstraße 65/59g
CH – 3003 Bern
– Switzerland –
Contact data
Tel     +41 (0)31 377 77 77
Fax     +41 (0)31 377 77 78

epi (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office)
Visitor address
Bayerstraße 83
D – 80335 München
– Germany –
Postal address
Postfach 26 01 12
80058 München
– Germany –
Contact data
Tel     +49 (0)89 242 052 0
Fax     +49 (0)89 242 052 20

Legal notices on the exchange of sensitive data and information

We would like to point out explicitly that the data and information exchanged between client and patent attorney in general are of sensitive nature.
In many jurisdictions, the exchange of information therefore is subject to some legal privilege, more or less broad according to the country.
Furthermore, we would like to point out that unintentional or unlawful disclosure or rendering accessible of data and information which is not yet publicly available can lead to non-restorable loss of rights.
For these reasons, we regard it as being appropriate to adopt in practice specific measures for the exchange of certain data and information.
We ask you to note in particular that the communication over the internet, especially via email, is not protected from unauthorized access by third parties. For the sake of security with this respect, we ask you to use secure communication methods when exchanging sensitive data and information with our law firm or to use other means of communication.
The law firm per Mens IP Consulting provides its clients free of charge with such secure electronic means of communication. Special arrangements or software usually is not necessary on the client’s side. We ask you to contact us if you were interested.
The law firm per Mens IP Consulting, therefore, is not liable for any damage or loss of rights that could arise from the exchange of sensitive data and information with our law firm in connection with the use of unsecured methods or means of communication, in particular from the use of email communication.

Legal notices on the content of this internet site

Please note the following information for all contents of this website:
The law firm per Mens IP Consulting is responsible, as content provider, for the content of the internet pages that it makes available for use. Although all content is carefully reviewed and continuously updated, no guarantee for the completeness, accuracy and actuality is provided.
The law firm per Mens IP Consulting therefore is not liable for damages that could arise in connection with the use of such content. The information contained in these web pages is no legal advice, which would be suitable or sufficient for the assessment of an individual case. By presenting this information, no attorney-client relationship is established.
All rights to this website and to the contents therein are held by the authors. Users may only download, use, or further transmit applications and files provided that the copyright notices are not removed; however, commercial use, in any form, individually and combined, is not allowed without the author’s permission. The liability is determined in accordance with the general applicable law.
All persons referred to on this website object to any commercial use and transfer of their data for any purpose.

Legal notices pertaining to the content of external internet sites

Referrals on this website to external sites have been set to the best of our knowledge. However, since we have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages, we dissociate ourselves explicitly from these pages and its content. This statement applies to all links provided on our web site.
We regularly review all internet sites to which we refer. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that external sites contain infringements of law. If you became aware of any such infringement or feel harmed yourself in your rights, please let us know immediately. We shall then promptly investigate and strive for a rapid solution.

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